Steering Committee Members

Prof. Anetta Caplanova

University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia

Prof. Anetta Caplanova, PhD. is an accomplished economist with expertise in behavioural economics, public finance and education systems. She has made significant contributions to the field of economics, with her research being published in several top-tier academic journals, and her publications have received international recognition. She has received various awards and honours for her work, which has focused on topics such as the determinants of foreign direct investment, the impact of democracy on well-being, measuring the size of the shadow economy, and the impact of personality traits and mindfulness on the behaviour of individual investors. Beyond her research, Prof. Caplanova is also a dedicated educator and mentor.
She is also experienced in project management, she prepared many proposals for funding of research, teaching and training activities. She has abundant international exposure in Europe, and globally with a special focus on the Southeast Asian region. In addition to her academic work, Dr. Caplanova has served as a consultant for various government agencies and international organizations, providing expert advice in fiscal policy, education systems, social science research and other areas related to her expertise. Her contributions to the policy community have helped shape Slovakia's fiscal policies.

Prof.Dr. Oktay Şahbaz

Kutahya Dumlupinar Universitesi, Türkiye

He has a pedagogical background in the reflection of 14 years of teaching at the University. He was the coordinator of the KA204 (KIPAM ) and KA201 (ISSA) projects. He currently coordinates KA204 (DEPCIP is related to child abuse and neglect) and MOCAT (is related to adaptation of academic teachers for the 21st century) funded by Nawa Poland. He has published many papers in both national and international journals and conference proceedings in the field of science. Besides, he is the section editor of a SCI journal called PPMP. Dr. Sahbaz has been involved in many project management and networking activities in terms of international projects and EU funds. He has a strong competence in managing tasks efficiently and activities to ensure the timely delivery of assignments and maximize resource allocation across virtual and physical teams. He gave many lectures to academicians and researchers within his university and outside of the university in terms of Erasmus+ and related projects. He has competencies for writing and leading international projects and managing financial issues according to Eu+.

Dr. Ľubomír Darmo

EconoMind, Slovakia

Ľubomír is a researcher and lecturer in economics with the focus on foreign direct investment, its determinants and effects on host countries. He obtained his doctorate from economics at the the Unviersity of Economics in Bratislava. He has abundant experience with project management and administration with the focus on financial management. Ľubomír has been internationally mobile, teaching and training at institutions in Europe, Asia and Africa. He has experience with both basic and applied/teaching focused research and regularly publishes domestically and internationally. Recently, he has focused on digitalization, online learning and teaching both from technical and methodological points of view. His focus on methodology of science allows him thinking systematically and focusing on the ends.

Monica Moreno

M&M, Spain

Monica Moreno is qualified with a degree in Pedagogy (University of Barcelona) and a Master Degree in Project Management (University of Barcelona) is the Pedagogical Director in M&M with over twenty-year experience in management of educational projects and training. Her experience covers a wide range of technical and pedagogical management issues related to training: design, intervention, analysis and planning. In her previous roles was the director of human resources, project manager and coordinator of projects working on the management of project documents, quality, dissemination and development trainings and curriculums and management of didactic production, teaching material and units of learning as a director of continuous and vocational training.

Mgr. Bc. Ondřej Pavelek, Ph.D.

Mendel University in Brno, Brno, Czech Republic

Ondřej Pavelek graduated in 2014 from the Faculty of Social Studies with a focus on European Studies and in 2015 from the Faculty of Law with a focus on law and legal science. In 2020, he completed his doctoral studies in civil law and was awarded the Ph.D. degree. During his studies, he completed professional internships at the Chamber of Deputies and at the Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the UN in New York. As part of his doctoral studies, he also undertook study visits to law faculties in Vienna and Bremen. He also worked as an assistant judge at the Supreme and Regional Courts in Brno. Since 2019, he has been a research assistant at the Faculty of Business and Economics at Mendel University in Brno. His research focuses on civil law, particularly on personality protection in comparative contexts, and EU law. He is the author of the monograph "Compensation for non-pecuniary damage to health and in cases of death," published by C.H. Beck in 2020. He regularly publishes in Czech and foreign journals.