Work Packages

The detailed needs analysis is carried out within this work package. It aims to identify the specific needs of the aging workforce in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and other EU countries regarding digital and soft skills development. This work package will provide a comprehensive understanding of the current situation regarding digital and soft skills development among the aging workforce in Slovakia, Czech Republic, and other EU countries. This knowledge will be used to tailor the development of the e-learning platform and the digital and soft skill development courses to meet the specific needs of the target group. Additionally, the results of the needs analysis will be disseminated to employers, trainers, government agencies, and municipalities to raise awareness of the importance of digital and soft skills development for the aging workforce and to encourage their engagement in addressing the identified challenges and barriers.

Within the work package Development an e-learning platform, digital and soft skill development courses, and related learning tools will be developed, which will be used to address the digital and soft skill gap of the aging population. The e-learning platform will offer a range of courses designed to improve the digital and soft skills of the target group. We focus on that the platform was accessible and user-friendly, designed to accommodate the needs and preferences of older learners. By developing an accessible and effective e-learning platform and courses, we aim to equip the target group with vital digital and soft skills so that they remain competitive in the labor market and fully contribute to the digital transformation of the economy.

This work package will be focused on implementing and evaluating the effectiveness of the developed e-learning platform and digital and soft skill development courses for the aging workforce. The team will carry out pilot testing of the courses in the onsite and online form and evaluate the effectiveness of the developed training program. The evaluation will assess the level of knowledge and skills acquired by the participants, as well as their overall satisfaction with the training program. The feedback gathered during the pilot implementation will be used to further improve the training program and the e-learning platform to ensure that they meet the needs of the older workforce. By implementing the pilot training program, we aim to establish a model for upskilling the aging workforce and improving their digital competencies to enhance their employability.

Work package "Needs Analysis"
Work package "Development"
Work package "Pilot Trainings"

This work package will focus on developing a methodology for building local learning centers and innovative learning spaces accessible and focused on the aging workforce, and create a network of local stakeholders to support the sustainability of these centers. This will contribute to making the training and skill development opportunities easily accessible and available to the key target group in local communities and building up the learning environment as supportive and adaptable to their needs. This should increase the participation and engagement of older workers in training and skill development activities, which should improve their employment outcomes and help to reduce the digital divide.

This work package aims to ensure that the project results are disseminated effectively to the target groups and beyond and that the key project outcomes are sustainable in the long run in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and other European countries. The activities are based on the comprehensive dissemination strategy, the organization of events and activities to promote the project and its results, the establishment of partnerships with relevant stakeholders, and the focus on the sustainability of the project outcomes beyond the project duration. The primary focus of the work package will be on enhanced penetration of the project outcomes to contribute to the upskilling of older people for their success in their professional careers.

Work package "Development of the Methodology for Building Local Learning Centers"
Work package "Dissemination and Sustainability"